Why Will Showing Up Give You the Best Results in Recovery?

For recovery to work, the main thing you have to do is suit up and show up. While this may seem like a difficult task to achieve, being present in your recovery will definitely heed better results. The concept of no pain, no gain, usually pertains to the fitness industry, although this concept is completely relevant to recovery as well. There will be times where your natural highs will carry you really far, and other times when you are in so much pain, you may feel like giving up.

Having ups and downs in your recovery is completely normal. Without them, your perspective would remain the same instead of developing the motivation you need to show up sober. Here are the best reasons to show up in your recovery. 

Life is better sober.

You may have heard people share that their worst day sober will always trump their best day drunk or high. This idea may not make sense to you straight away but think about it. Checking out for a time may get you some instant relief although the consequences of addiction will keep you circling the drain. Recovery measures will improve your life and teach you how to live life on life’s terms instead of trying to suppress your feelings. 

Life is meant to be lived.

Showing up means that you are attempting to live life rather than waste it away from being high and drunk. There is so much in life to be done with finding some personal improvement that you could not manage while being under the influence. Sure, you may think that you are functional in your addiction. The truth is that you can do better things sober than you can from trying to let the effects produced by drugs and alcohol carry you in the wrong direction. Try being sober long enough to see the results you are striving for and you will not want to go back. 

Life should have a purpose.

When you are in the depths of your addiction, the only purpose you have is maintaining your drunk and your high. Showing up in recovery gives you a bigger purpose. Giving hope to others and being of service to those in need can do more for you than you will ever know. Learning the best direction can be hard to discern at times although being around others who also show up for recovery shall reveal more. You may not have chosen this path for yourself, but here you are and you should make the very best of it through acceptance of what your purpose has become – to stay sober and help others to carry out sobriety as well. 

Life’s struggles can define your strength.

Even though your shame and guilt can bring you down, any struggle can be turned into a strength. Your experience, strength, and hope can show others how strong you have become in your recovery. Weaknesses can be overruled by the power of recovery by simply showing up and working your program.

Life is better with others.

If you never went to 12-Step meetings or group therapy sessions, you would never find the people who will encourage you to show for your recovery. One person with an addiction talking to another person with an addiction is what it takes to find people you relate to. You will show up for any commitments you have told people you would take. Plus, if you talk to someone and tell them that you are going to be somewhere, you have a better chance of showing up so that you are not letting them, or yourself, down. We are not talking about peer pressure here. We are talking about bona fide accountability and staying in the middle of the herd to stay sober. 

Life in sobriety brings you core values.

Suiting up and showing up all begins with the spiritual principles being carried out in your daily life. Having core values includes practicing integrity, honesty, and brotherly love as a means of how you should live your life. Rather than fight everyone and everything, implementing fundamental standards will get you much further in your recovery.  

Life showing up extends kindness. 

Being of service is a key component to staying sober. In your addiction, all you thought about was yourself and how you could get your fix. Once you start showing up in your recovery by putting your hand out to others, you will begin to feel worthwhile about being kind to them. Showing other people altruism will also help improve your self-esteem which in part helps you to show more compassion for yourself. 

There will be days that showing up may not be what you desire to do. Having ups and downs in your recovery is inevitable although the worst days will be the ones you do not show up for. Suit up and show up for your recovery and you will reap what you sow.  

If you, or someone you know, need drug and alcohol treatment, Valiant Living can give you the tools to help you show up in your sobriety. We offer “Expanded Recovery” that fosters connection for your loved ones and yourself. Call us today for more information. 303-536-5463