Tips to Become Accountable in Recovery

To get, and stay, sober, accountability is one of the concepts in recovery that is a must. You would have already accomplished cessation if you were able to stop using drugs and alcohol on your own. For this reason alone, finding accountability in your recovery is more helpful than maybe you even understand. You show a willingness to go to any lengths for your sobriety, and you are building immunity against your addiction when you take action towards accountability.

Accountability Takes Courage

Allowing yourself to accept accountability in your sobriety first means that you are willing to concede that you have a problem with drugs and alcohol, and you need help to stop. Making this move is valiant since everything you once knew will have to change. The first step is always the hardest to take, and by taking the plunge with accountability, you will are making an excellent choice to stay sober.

Accountability Offers Intention

Recovery will not just happen for you. You have to put some intentional effort into making sure that you will stay accountable. Asking a sponsor to take you through the 12-Steps or moving your recovery to an outpatient program can grant you a continuum of care that can aid you in long-term recovery. Having others to keep you inspired and encourage you during this process will make you compelled to better your sober life. Through intention, you can find yourself moving through life with a more abundant zest for life.

Accountability Builds Character

Being willing to accept suggestions to show up when you say you will, or expressing kindness to others, are things that can make you the best version of yourself. Overcoming addiction started the process of building your character, and pursuing recovery measures will continue the development of your sober character. Drugs and alcohol were the reason that you did awful things in your addiction, and if you keep doing them in recovery, you will continue to be perceived as a troubled person. Change is inevitable when you work a recovery program, so hold on to see how your character will evolve. You should be pleased with the results as you watch the growth you exhibit from becoming accountable.

Accountability Creates Connection

Isolation and denial most likely followed you in your addiction. Once you got sober, the last thing that you wanted to happen was to start developing relationships in recovery. Having people that welcome you and make you feel like part of the group can initiate the connection you need with others to reiterate that you are doing the right things. Being alone with your thoughts and emotions can be a scary place to be, so having others to share them with can give you some much-needed relief.

Accountability Shows Commitment

You probably have not kept your word during your addiction, which is a pretty common characteristic. Participating in your recovery will give you a chance to prove to others, and yourself, that you will do what you said you would do. Instead of others running the other way because they already believe you will not honor your commitments, you can show them what you are really made up of in your recovery. Establishing that you will suit and show up even when you really do not feel like it is a powerful tool for confidence.

Accountability Proves Principles

Drugs and alcohol probably made you do things that you are not proud of. You will start implementing the recovery principles into your daily life when you become accountable in your recovery. Humility, integrity, honesty, and lovingness are things that must be displayed with accountability. You will start becoming more productive in your recovery when you can let go of negative behavior and grasp onto something more positive.

You may not like to be told what to do or feel like someone is barking orders at you, but when your life is on the line, you do whatever it takes. Accountability is a gift because you can develop essential relationships that will enhance your opportunity to stay sober. Although the fellowship will not keep you sober, your actions will be instrumental, and your recovery relationships can steer you in a better direction. Guidance, encouragement, example, and inspiration will take you far in your sobriety by allowing yourself first to become accountable.

Accountability is a crucial part of staying sober, or otherwise, you may act on the urges to use and drink again. Show up for commitments in meetings. Call people, you said you would call. Be where you said you would be. Most importantly, let others know when you are having a weak moment to have a better chance of saving your sobriety. Accountability goes a long way in protecting your life in ways you could not have understood until you got sober. Support your recovery with accountability, and you will be grateful every day that you get to live the solution.

Valiant Living is a recovery program that offers a way to become clean and sober through accountability. Through evidence-based therapy options and the endless adventure of Colorado, Valiant fosters connection, encouraging clients to get connected to themselves, their peers, their families, and their higher power. With the power of recovery, clients are restored to full health and experience life-changing healing. Call us today for more information: 303-536-5463