Self-Sabotaging Behaviors in Recovery

behavior in recovery

Recovery is a long and difficult process with any number of personal hurdles throughout, and while the resulting change can be profound and define the person, there are also ways that an individual may inhibit their recovery process. Self-sabotaging behavior is common throughout the recovery process, whether due to uncertainty regarding the future of change, or a degree of reluctance. However, some individuals may be engaging in behaviors that hinder their recovery without being aware of it, and identifying self-sabotaging practices early can change how each individual approaches their recovery plan.

Refusing Assistance or Opportunity

Many intense emotions make up the recovery process, and while it can be difficult to vocalize them all at any given point in time, refusing help when it otherwise may be needed is a form of self-sabotage. This can mean not taking the opportunity to talk with a professional when prompted and not taking up a new therapeutic approach due to a degree of resistance. New therapies can be unexpectedly effective, and taking a few minutes to discuss one’s progress can open the conversation for profound understanding. While it is common that an individual will need mental breaks from such heavy conversations and practices from time to time, refusing assistance when it may be needed actively hinders recovery and can lead towards more detrimental, isolationist tendencies.

The Negative Framework

The negative framework is a pessimistic way of thinking that involves an individual challenging certain therapeutic practices and determining why they may be ineffective or can manifest as a negative framework around one’s self-image — not believing one’s self capable of making such profound or positive changes in their own lives. The negative framework can consistently reinforce worst-case scenarios and can create a view where recovery feels like a predetermined “lost cause,” despite having no such evidence to determine so.

Bottling Guilt, Shame, or Pity

These emotions are common throughout the recovery process, and acknowledging their presence is necessary for overcoming them. Self-pity can be especially difficult as it can inhibit one’s belief in their strength or resolve to continue working through addiction recovery. These common emotions require an outlet, and bottling them up or otherwise holding them back without a proper, dedicated release can make each step towards healing more and more difficult, as these complex, difficult aspects of recovery will not simply dissipate in time.

Self-sabotage can occur without the person even being aware, and there are a few ways that it can manifest. The trained professionals at Valiant Living are ready to help you take the first step towards understanding your recovery journey and help you identify and overcome these kinds of self-sabotaging behaviors to allow you to continue to pursue your own recovery goals. Our men’s facility allows for each tenant to personalize their stay, working to create an environment of individuality and acceptance that encourages each individual to continue their path through recovery. For more information on how we can personalize your stay with us, call today at (303) 952-5035.