Category Archives: Mindfulness

How Do I Develop Strong Spiritual Intuition?

One concern that people have during the throes of addiction is not making the right choices under the influence of drugs and alcohol. The longer the drugs and alcohol take effect, the worse a person’s moral reasoning is diminished. As their moralistic high ground continues to decline, the ability to connect to a higher power […]

How to Make July 4th Fire Up Your Sobriety

July 4th is a holiday that is definitely associated with drinking and using. Although the main attraction is the fireworks show every year, the events leading up to the fireworks and what happens after is what usually causes all the problems. Drinking alcohol as a social lubricant or using mind-altering drugs to enhance the fireworks […]

Ways to Stop Being so Frustrated in Recovery


As the days start to run together, the pink cloud you were once floating on may have started drifting away. Instead of feeling on fire for recovery, you start getting frustrated with how real life has become. Having to face the wreckage of the past, while feeling your feelings, can leave you overwhelmed once the […]

How Do You Deal with Feelings When their Hurt?

One of the reasons people relapse is because they wish to drink or use drugs when someone has hurt their feelings. Whether they feel like they are criticized at work, have been broken up with, or internalize a social media post, feelings can get injured quickly in an online world. As a person who suffers […]

How to Be of Service on Earth Day

How to Be of Service on Earth Day

As sober members of recovery, we can always use new ways to be of service to keep it refreshing and fun. Service is an important aspect of recovery which can be expanded outside of the rooms of recovery through finding local organizations to volunteer at. Another way to find inspiring service options is to find […]

How Do I Stop Complaining and Start Complimenting?

How Do I Stop Complaining and Start Complimenting?

Now that social media is the main outlet for people to post their thoughts and emotions, the world is more accepting of complaints it seems. More people are offering up their negative feelings and what the world needs more of is positivity! The best way to compensate for complaining is to compliment others. You may […]

Will My Religious Convictions Help My Loved One to Get Sober?

Will My Religious Convictions Help My Loved One to Get Sober?

Families that have strong ties to religion may wonder why their loved one cannot get sober by simply using the religious guidelines they are meant to adhere to. Religion can create a difference of opinion in conversations, provoke undue judgments, and deter someone who wants to get sober away from their family and friends if […]

What Are the Most Common Coping Mechanisms?

Getting through life at any stage at times can be unbearable. Dealing with all the obstacles that come up are difficult to manage when a person has no coping skills to take them through. Trying to wing a crisis situation can be tough to navigate with high anxiety and complete panic. Finding ways to calm […]

Will Holistic Therapy Work for You?

Will Holistic Therapy Work for You?

Therapy is typically a suggestion people receive who are suffering from addiction or mental health issues. The point of attending therapy is to work out the painful and shameful aspects of the past so that you can have freedom in your present to move into your future with tools to guide you in sobriety and […]