About Carmine

Hi there, my name is Carmine Mancuso. I am Valiant Livings Transition House Lead Recovery Tech. I work in the housing department on an amazing team of individuals, including myself who have lived experience with addiction and mental health. I have been in the recovery field for a few years now. I have my peer support, family advocate, and recovery coach certification. I have 4 years, 6 months of recovery from substances. I call the fellowship of Cocaine Anonymous home. I have gone through a residential rehab program myself, So I can relate and help guide our clients through the process of early recovery. I feel that if one action or piece of advice I bestow to a client is beneficial in some aspect to their recovery and life then my job is complete. I can be quoted as saying “I am not meant to tow you through your recovery, but I am more like a guide on an uncharted adventure. I let you know where you should or shouldn’t step, which path is suggested to take, and the risks or dangers involved. You make the decision I just give you the tools to make the best choice for you based on experience.” This work drives me every day to feel like I am actively making a difference in our client’s lives. I help to combat this terrible disease many suffer from, help individuals escape the feeling of being helpless or hopeless. I do these things simply by living my best life, being present, holding space, showing them an example that recovery is possible and fun, it doesn’t have to be a drag.
