Addiction and Professionalism Aren’t Mutually Exclusive

addiction and professionalism

Many images come to mind when words like “addiction” or “substance abuse” are brought up, with depictions of those suffering from addiction even going so far as to show homelessness or an unkempt look. However, addiction doesn’t necessarily manifest in this way, and one’s financial status or professional career can continue to develop independently of […]

Preparing for the COVID-19 Vaccination

COVID-19 vaccine

When looking into getting the COVID-19 vaccination, you have several options. You can get Pfizer, Moderna, or Johnson and Johnson. Pfizer and Moderna are currently a two-dose regimen, which may become a three-dose regimen depending on variants of the virus that develop across the world. Johnson and Johnson is a one-dose regimen, but administration of […]

The Value of Healing Through Volunteering


While the notion that taking time to help others may seem to detract from the personalized nature of addiction recovery, there is a great amount to be gained through volunteering and community service, and altruism can indeed reap personal, powerful rewards. Volunteering is an act of service that can help an individual reshape their dynamics […]

Two Faces of Denial

faces of denial

Denial is something that can not just stifle the development of new sober practices but also compromise one’s sense of self-worth, leading one to unnecessarily belittle themselves — even in the face of progress. Addressing denial in recovery is a topic that will come up throughout one’s journey, but it won’t always present itself in […]

The Value of Nature as a Means to Cope

outdoor activities

Nature helps so many overcome their life stressors. It serves as a means for so many to cope. When someone is ill, several studies have proven that looking out at nature or a painting of greenery can have a significant impact on improving their health outcomes. You can use nature as a means to cope […]

Roll With the Good Times

leisure activity

Recovery is a lot of hard work, and maintaining one’s sobriety takes a lot of responsibility. Going to group therapy sessions, diving into difficult memories, or working to reestablish relationships are all tough parts of the journey, all while an individual is asked to stave off urges and cope with unforeseen stressors, continuously reevaluating their […]

Finding Stabilization in Recovery

stabilization in recovery

The complicated addiction recovery process can feel intimidating, as an individual is faced with a number of lifestyle changes and new mental frameworks introduced on a daily basis. However, before a person can begin to establish their newfound sober lifestyle, they must first stabilize themselves in their current situation. Stabilization is something that each person […]

Transitioning With Sober Living

sober living

Engaging in a professional detox program is essential for beginning one’s journey through the recovery process. While accomplishing such a difficult phase of the recovery process is cause for celebration, it doesn’t mean that an individual is necessarily prepared for the stresses that they will encounter outside of the recovery sphere. While some may want […]

Self-Sabotaging Behaviors in Recovery

behavior in recovery

Recovery is a long and difficult process with any number of personal hurdles throughout, and while the resulting change can be profound and define the person, there are also ways that an individual may inhibit their recovery process. Self-sabotaging behavior is common throughout the recovery process, whether due to uncertainty regarding the future of change, […]