Monthly Archives: August 2021

Synergism Between Alcohol and Other Drugs

Businessman in despair

Synergism is the term for when two drugs are taken together and produce a multiplying effect. This concept is widely associated with mixing alcohol and another substance. The synergistic interaction between alcohol and other drugs contributes to the lethal potential of drug-taking behavior. What Is Synergism? Synergism is similar to potentiation. This means that if […]

Staying Sober While Managing Your Caregiver Responsibilities


Many middle-aged adults find themselves with responsibilities for not only their children but their elderly parents as well. This can be extremely stressful, especially for someone that is working towards their own professional or academic goals. While most are preparing their own children for adulthood and looking forward to having more time for themselves, many […]

How to Support Your Child During Your Divorce

Daughter sitting sadly while her parents are fighting

Divorce is a painful process, and unfortunately, children often experience the impact of divorce long after it is over. It is common for children to exhibit frequent, intense emotional outbursts or sudden shifts in their mood and mannerisms during a separation or divorce. As a parent, you might feel frustrated when your child exhibits a […]

25 Affirmations to Use in Drug and Alcohol Treatment

doing a thumbs up

Affirmations are short, powerful statements that help you overcome your negative thoughts, manifest goals, and empower yourself. Using affirmative language builds confidence and motivates you to maintain your mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Here are 25 affirmations for individuals that are battling addiction:     My life is free of drugs and alcohol and I am stronger […]