Monthly Archives: April 2020

What You Should Know About Online Meetings

online meetings

With the scare of the coronavirus, people have started trying to stay out of public and are making sure their hands are clean. For someone in recovery, this could be terrifying for many reasons. The fear that you could contract this virus is enough to keep you out of meetings, especially with the hand holding […]

How Do I Make Friends in Recovery?

How Do I Make Friends in Recovery?

The best thing about starting over in recovery is that you get an opportunity to put your life back together in a way that is more beneficial than what happened during your addiction. Starting your life over in recovery, however, can be lonely. Changing your playgrounds and playmates can be difficult to fathom, although you […]

Why Must I Share My Story in Recovery?

Why Must I Share My Story in Recovery?

Talking about your addiction may be embarrassing and daunting for you to fathom. Opening up to others about where the depths of drugs and alcohol take you is probably not on your list of things to do. Sharing your story is not solely for the advantage of others, though, because you will also benefit. Becoming […]