Monthly Archives: March 2020

What “Spring Cleaning” Could Mean for Your Recovery

What “Spring Cleaning” Could Mean for Your Recovery

Every year after winter ends and springtime starts, there is a certain buzz in the air where people start enjoying the sunshine and milder weather once again. You can see people exercising more and cleaning out their houses after being cooped up during the cold weather. Cleaning out closets and purging hoarded items can really […]

Are There Coincidences in Recovery?

Have you ever encountered something that you could not believe happened the way it went down? Eerily, you may have wondered how in the world did that even occur for me? If this something that you have experienced, you may be confused as to what ensued especially if you have a difficult time with accepting […]

Esteemable Acts: Keeping Up with Your Therapy

Esteemable Acts: Keeping Up with Your Therapy

Taking care of yourself through esteemable acts is an important concept for your upkeep in recovery. Esteemable acts are the actions that create or recreate the self-esteem that you may have lost during the chaos of your addiction. Continuing to do the things that helped you to get sober in the first place, such as […]

Why Will Showing Up Give You the Best Results in Recovery?

For recovery to work, the main thing you have to do is suit up and show up. While this may seem like a difficult task to achieve, being present in your recovery will definitely heed better results. The concept of no pain, no gain, usually pertains to the fitness industry, although this concept is completely […]